Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oh SKRambling... You've been good to me..

When I first started blogging, I had no intentions of being a professional blogger, nor was I intending on being a very active one. I am by no means a professional blogger right now, but I think I've become much more active than when I first started out. 

When I first started, I started off with It was just a place for me to share everything I thought was interesting when I was browsing the internet. Apparently, I'm a classic case of ADHD so I tend to get very caught up in whatever it is I find interesting at the time. 

Somekindabored never made it. Although I had a lot of topics to share, I was so caught up in it that I forgot to share. I started with a second attempt at blogging with Somekindarambling. I was much more active this time, but my topics were very spread out. Alot of what I said had to deal with Android, so I split the blog and created SomekindaDroid. 

I once again returned to Somekindarambling for all my other non Android related postings. When Google launched Google+, I found myself talking more and more about Google+. Not only that, Google+ kinda opened up a whole new world for me by introducing me to all of their other products: Gtalk, Google Reader, Gmail, Google Documents, etc. The activity I had going on for Google was enough for me to once again split the blog and create a separate one for Google topics, SomekindaGoog. I once again returned to Rambling for all other postings. 

I didn't want to use Rambling to post all my personal thoughts and things that weren't useful. But I wanted a place online where I could vent, share pictures, and things people wouldn't really care too much for. I didn't want to flood a blog people would go to to learn with stuff they wouldn't be able to learn anything from. So I created, my own little hangout place online. I don't really use it much, but it's nice to know I have it there for me if I needed it. 

Somekindarambling started to get more postings from me. Most are of the techy / geeky variety, stuff that interest me, and a few other non-tech stuff that I found interesting enough to share. 

I started to think today while I sat on the, just off the party strip in Vancouver, trying to re-focus my life. I started to think that if I'm going to post about things that interest me, I should stick to the theme. Not everyone out there is like me. Not everyone will find what I find interesting interesting. So, today, I decided to start with a blog more focused towards the “geeky / techy” stuff. I shall call it..... get ready for this...... 

…. drum roll................. High Geek Valule … 

Oh yes...  It’s a term Ive been using for a long while to describe the stuff I find interesting. Back when I was in computer school, when me and my friends would be talking about something extremely geeky or extremely technical that no one else would find interesting, we would say that it had some “High Geek Value”

So.... today is the birthday of This will also be the last posting here on SomekindaRambling. All the posting found on here will still be around. I’ll be moving all the geeky stuff I’ve written over to, and all the non geek stuff over to

If you have a tech blog and you want me to link it on HGV, send me an email at I have no problem linking ya’ll.

That’s all. One of the thoughts I’ve come up with while I was trying to re-focus and re-organize my life.

Later Gators, and Cheers !


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I made t-shirts =o)

I had fun making these. You can click on the picture and then customize them on the site. You can change the style of shirts and color.

Google+ Blocked Circle shirt
Google+ Blocked Circle by somekindabored
See more Google T-Shirts

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why are people complaining on Google+ ?

What does it matter ? Who cares !?

I'm starting to see alot of comments from people complaining that Google+ has quickly turned into a Tumblr. Why? Because people are posting single animated GIFs and it's getting reshaped everywhere?

I'm starting to see people complain that Google+ has quickly turned into a Twitter. Why? Because people are making useless posts telling the world they are sitting on the can?

My question is: Who cares? Why do you care?

I understand the early adopters became addicts on Google+ because it wasn't Twitter or it wasn't Tumblr. Not in terms of what they do, but the atmosphere.  Most of us early G+'er have stopped using the other platforms almost completely because G+ was different. I know it is true for me. I will still make those useless posts letting the world know I just let out a massive burp, but I'll do it on Twitter. I will share that will the Twitter world because that is what they are used to seeing on Twitter. I won't do it on Google+ because the way it was designed. The streams can get pretty noise on Google+ even if you are just following a few people, and if I don't want my stream cluttered, why would I do it everyone else?

But why do you care if Google+ has quickly turned into Twitter or Tumblr? Google has given you the power to choose how you view your streams. If Tumblr like post bug you, stick them in another circle, or don't follow them at all. You, and I'm talking about those complaining, are the one following them to begin with. Why are you complaining about something you chose to do?

I too have noticed a trend, and I have updated my circles accordingly. I anticipate a large group of people migrating over to Google+ from Twitter, so I made a Twitter circle. I stick everyone in that circle who always makes Tweet like posts. That way, if I’m not in the mood for it, I don’t have to see it. If I’m in the mood for it, I will click on it... or log on Twitter.

My point is, there is no need to complain. You were the one that decided to follow the poster from the start, you didn’t have to. If you didn’t like it, you wouldn’t have followed. If you didn’t follow, you wouldn’t be complaining. If you’re not making use of the tools Google has given you to control what you want to see...... well then you’re doing it wrong.

There is no right or wrong way to use any of the Google services they provide. If you are interested, I'm writing a series on how I use Google's products. Maybe you'll find your own creative way to use what they offer. You can follow that series HERE.

Thoughts ? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

While you're at it, give it a +1 too =o)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Are there any bored artists out there ?

Are there any bored artists out there willing to volunteer their time to create an awesome logo for me ?

I realize my gimp skills are lame, but I just wanted to put something in my header so it didn't look so stock and boring.

I'm looking for one for this blog, SomeKindaRambling, one for my blog about Androids, SomeKindaDroid, and one for SomeKindaGoog, a blog about Google.

Please contact me if you can offer you time.

Thank you in advance.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to sign up for Google Music Beta outside of the United States

Google Music Beta stores all your music on the cloud. 
But you can't request an invite if you are not from the United States!

Post as moved. I figured it made more sense to have a tutorial on how to sign up for a Google service on my Google blog (SomeKindaGoog), than to have it on my person blog where I ramble about random randomness.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please click on the following link to navigate to your originally intended post "How to sign up for Google Music Beta outside of the United States"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How scared is Facebook ?

WOW, is Facebook really that worried ?

They were gonna pay someone to write a bad story about Google+'s circles ? Even if someone took them up on their offer, if someone was to start writing crap about the circles, they would start to see how AWESOME it is. How would having the power to control how private you want to be a bad thing ?


* EDIT *
This wasn't about the Circles in Google+. This was about a different service offered by Google. Here is the service they are talking about:

Here's a Youtube video explaining it:
Google Social Search Update

Read the email after the jump:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Apology Wall Vandalized !

After the riots, people went and wrote tons of THOUGHTFUL messages on the strips of plywood used to cover up the broken windows of affected shops. Then today someone did this to the wall. Who in their right mind would think that this is a good idea ? What kind of THOUGHTLESS prick would paint I LOVE YOU and ERASE other peoples messages ?

I'm so pissed off right now.

I hope someone finds this moron. Maybe Social Media can do what they did with rioters and find this asshole so we can bring him to justice. Maybe our justice system can charge the dickhead with vandalism ? 

I am speechless.

This is a step back... This was a place of healing. We, the people of Vancouver needed this wall to move forward. And now this asshole, who by the way has been spray painting the same I LOVE YOU message all over Vancouver, makes Vancouver take a step back in our healing process..

Thanks douche !

We Hate You !

Camille Cacnio : Idiot

"Dear City of Vancouver and all its residents,
Yes, this is me in the picture above, dumbest person ever"

That is how Camille Cacnio should have started her original apology. As everyone already knows, Ms. Cacnio was one of the rioters that participated in the 2011 Vancouver riots and got caught. She then went online and wrote an absolutely amazing apology on a blog she just created for such an event. The apology was amazing not because it touched readers hearts all across Canada and made us all sympathize for her. No, the apology was amazing because it made everyone HATE her more.

I guess she realized how stupid her original apology was because with in hours, she jumped back online and revised her blog post, shortening it, and taking out all the stupid, mindless, brain vomit that came out in a form of a blog, and was labelled an "apology".

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tutorial on how to set up permanently pinned tabs in Google Chrome

This post and its video has moved over to its new home at, where everything is only of value to us geeks. You can find it again by clicking here.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Love Sarah Palin, She Makes Me Smile.

I love it when Sarah Palin gets asked a question that require her to give her opinionated view. Simple right ?

Whats my favorite food? :

Whats my favorite TV show? :
House MD

Right ? Simple, but then there's the Sarah Palin answer, which closely resembles that of a high school student when asked which part of the book he was suppost to read, the most moving for him, and he answers: ALL OF THEM. LOL, oh how I love it.

When she was asked which newspaper she reads, she answers:

When she was asked by Glen Beck, who is supposed to be on her side, which of the founding fathers is her favorite, she again answers: ALL OF THEM !.
You can hear Beck in the background utter BULLCRAP, as she stutters to find words to fill her rambling. Just like in highschool, you know when someone didn't do their assigned reading when they answer a question with every possible answer that pops into their head. Very entertaining to watch.

Why does she do this to herself ? My girlfriend said "ppl like her, I don't understand". I don't know why she does this. Maybe she is out to prove to the world that she isn't dumb, but in the process does the opposite, and then has to go and prove to the world again, thinking that "last time was just a stupid slip up, this time will be better". Maybe its a carefully calculated move on her part to keep her name in the media.

What ever the reason is, she makes for good entertainment. Kinda scary when you actually take a step back and realize that this woman could have been the Vice President of the United State isn't it ?

You think McCain is realized that Sarah Palin cost him the presidency ? Maybe it was that he was old and his views were crappy ? Maybe it was ALL OF THEM.

Sorry if this made no sense. It's 5:17am, my eyes are half open, and I am totally rambling, I just wanted to get this down so I don't forget about this tomorrow.